Book Review-The Longest Whale Song

I have just finished reading a book called, “The Longest Whale Song” by Jacqueline Wilson. It is a very sad and touching story.

It is about a girl named Ella who has lots of problems in her life: She has to deal with her stepfather, Jack, her best friend-Sally- seems to hang out with another girl more than her and worst of all…her mom fell into a coma when she was giving birth to a baby boy.When Ella started learning about whales, she was fascinated by them and loved them more and more every day. Every day when she would visit the hospital, she would read her mother a fact about whales. The most knowledgeable boy in the class also likes whales. His name is Joseph, and he is very kind. Ella and Joseph become friends and their adventure continues. At the end of the book, Ellas mum wakes up, tired of the whale music CD Mrs. Anderson (Joseph’s mom) lent her. Here are some of the other characters:


  • Liz (Ella’s mom’s best friend)
  • Dory (The girl who hangs out with Sally)
  • Martha (A very rude girl and originally Dory’s best friend)
  • Mike (Ella’s real dad)
  • Butterscotch (Ella’s guinea pig)


Here is what the cover looks like:

What I learned outside of school

What I learned outside of school is how to play badminton. Badminton is a fun sport, similar to tennis but is played differently and has different rules.

Here are some of the differences:


-Net is low

-Played with a birdie (shuttle cock)


-Net is low

-Played with a ball

I first started to play at badminton classes. Then, I practiced at home. Now, I go to practice at another place. I like to practice badminton in my spare time. My friend also joins me because she also likes to play.

Badminton is also an Olympic sport.

This is a picture of a badminton racket:

This is a picture of a birdie:

People playing badminton: