Blog Challenge-Week 6- Visitors

This week’s blog challenge was about visitors. The best way to get them is to post/have attracting items. In another post, I created a video on what a great blog needs.

People always want to learn new things…what does that have anything to do with blogging? Well, you can create posts on how to make/do things. That’s exactly what I did! I’ve created an Animoto on how to create an origami cup.

If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, below is a picture of what the video shows you to make:



Now for the video…


Blog Challenge-Week 5-Memories

This challenge was about memories, and why it’s great to have them. I chose to work on avtivity 5, in which we had to create a comic of one of the strongest memories you have. This memory was when we went to Disney World in Orlado, Florida (USA). Here is a short comic I created using Bitstrips: